Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Q 9. Will all Partnership and CDP employees be accommodated in the new programme?

No. There may be instances where continued support for the services supplied by Partnerships and CDPs will no longer be feasible, for example where the tangible frontline services are not being provided or where benefits to a community are not evident. Please note that in the context of future support for CDPs there is a separate review of all Community Development Projects underway which will be completed shortly.
- Reply issued on behalf of Minister of State for Community Affairs, John Curran.



  1. Basically some CDPs will be no longer funded, the rest put under Partnership with no representation at board / decision making level or left to go it alone.

  2. It's actually a lot more serious than that when you think about it.

    CDP's are being directed to close their Companys, this means that their staff are now being made redundent,Yes???

    Not all CDP staff will be funded under the new programme, so effectively people could find themselves in a position where they have to apply for their own job!!

  3. Does this mean LDSIP staff will be made redundant on 31st Dec and then have to apply for a job under the new programme and if successful be reemployed by the same company in early 2010? Did I hear someone mention something about effeciency and best use of resources?
    If this isn't the case does this make the playing fields a bit on the eneven side?

  4. If CDPs close will the Dept finance them to honor redundnacy packages in line with best international work practices?

  5. If CDPs close will the Dept finance them to honor redundnacy packages in line with best international work practices?

  6. we will be getting two weeks statutory no doubt!

    will siptu reps who sit on partnership boards refuse to agree to this takeover?

  7. Would it not make sense to wait for the review of all CDPs to be complete before making any decision?

  8. 1. How has this review been conducted? Has there been any consultation at community level (I don't think so, that as kind of rhetorical)
    2. When is 'shortly'? Don't workers and users have a right to be informed when decisions affecting their future will be made?

  9. The CDPs have been reviewed many times over the years, always with positive results. Everyone by now, even the Department, should know the vital work we carry out in our communities. We are value for money. We carry out more work for less money than any other agency and our work has more impact in our communities than any. And yet they want to get rid of us?????

  10. As a Board Member of a CDP I want to know where the redundancy payments will come from, how any equipment etc will be disposed of and who will complete the work contracts that we have for childcare, afterschool programmes, community facilities, breaking leases etc if non-viable projects have to close on 31st December 2009? Some staff have been employed for a long time. Have you costed winding up a company? HAVE YOU THOUGHT THIS THROUGH????

  11. Have you seen the article in the Evening Echo ! Done deal, it seems alot of comments are about jobs being lost which is fair but what about the combination of jobs and community loss - tht partnerships are only about launching not working with the community, they have no proven track record of this. Its an absolute pity that its happening, but I have to say that there are some CDPs that are just not working at all but unfortunatley we all have to bear the cost of these cuts

  12. Noel O NEILL Kerry Network.
    Who said the present system being used by the CDPs is broken they say if it aint broken dont try to fix it.
    From what I am hearing the CDPs dont want the proposed changes and neither do the Partnerships it will cause too much tension between the two and lead to power struggles that no one wants.


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